Monday, December 3, 2012

On Guard and Wild Orange or Wassail!

Some of you may be scratching your heads on the title. To me the On Guard proprietary blend smells like wassail. If your not familiar with it is basically spiced hot orange Tang. I will get to that one in a minute but first I want to talk about the Wild Orange oil.

Wild Orange, and most of the citrus oils, have degreasing and sanitizing properties. That is why a majority of cleaning brands offer orange or lemon varieties of their cleaners. Wild Orange also has a sedative characteristic. According to Modern Essentials (2012) the French use orange oil for heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia and menopause.

So far I have used the Wild Orange in only a couple of ways. I make homemade body wash (recipe to come in a post about provident living) and have been using it for a while but it was lacking something. I added about 3 drops of the oil to my container (about 13oz). The scent in the shower is a refreshing scent that gives me a boost in the morning.

The other way I used it was actually an accident. I am a total klutz, no joke. I was getting some oil into sample vials and spilled a bunch on my hands. I don't know about you but I have tendency to sleep on my hands so I got a massive dose of Wild Orange aromatherapy that night. Most nights I wake up 2-3 times a night. Not because I'm a light sleeper or my husband snores, just because my body likes to twitch and startle me awake in the middle of the night. I slept great that night and the next night as well! This oil carries the same caution about the sun as the lemon oil.

I love the members of the citrus family and will continue to find new uses for them in the future.

The next oil I want to write about is On Guard. It is one of the proprietary blends from doTERRA. It contains Wild Orange, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary and Eucalyptus Radiata. On Guard is meant to help your immune system deal with the constant onslaught of viruses and bad bacteria that you are exposed to on a daily basis.

My cousin told me that she sprays down her bathroom with it so I though why not try it? I added 3 drops to 11 oz of my homemade all purpose cleaner (recipe to come in the provident living post). The smell of rubbing alcohol is gone. I have been spraying my shower down with the cleaner daily for a couple months now but in the last week I can already see an improvement in how clean my shower is. I also used it in the tub and had my son use it in his bathroom big improvements all around.

The other thing I tried the On Guard for was a cut that Monster got on his foot. He had been playing with toothpicks in the living room and left them out even with being reminded repeatedly and of course he didn't. Well he stepped on one and got a little poke on the bottom of his foot so I thought I would try the On Guard instead of the normal neosporin. It worked! It stopped bleeding instantly and he said that it didn't hurt anymore.

The next post will be mostly recipes of homemade cleaners that I have gathered from here and there and the essential oil uses I have found for them. Look for it by Friday!

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